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Finding Your Registered Investors ✅

Learn how to navigate your registered investors tab under 'Investor Hub'.

Izzy Sanchez avatar
Written by Izzy Sanchez
Updated over a week ago

Time Required: 35 seconds ⏱️

Prerequisites: Live Investor Hub

Outcome: Understanding who your registered investors are from your Investor Hub

Table of Contents

Finding Investor Hub signups, your 'registered investors'

To find the list of investors who have signed up to your Investor Hub, you can either navigate to your 'Investor Hub' and click 'view all investor hub signups' OR you can head directly to your 'investor search' tab under 'investors' and apply the 'investor hub signups' filter.

Investor Hub Page

Investor Search Page

Understanding who your registered investors are

You can search for investors by name or export a CSV file of all investors who have signed up to your investor hub on your Investor Search page.

There are several states an investor can be, including a shareholder, investor hub user and / or a sophisticated investor.


  • A tick will appear under the S/H column if Investors have verified their HIN and are a current shareholder OR if Amplify has matched an investor hub contact to a shareholding profile via the email address;

  • A dash will appear if investors have not yet identified as a shareholder during the investor hub sign up process, however, this doesn't necessarily mean they're not a shareholder


  • Investors who have signed up to the Investor Hub will have a tick under the HUB column on your investor search page.

  • A dash will appear if contacts do not have an investor hub profile.


This indicates the status of contacts who are either a sophisticated or professional investor.

  • Verified s708: Investors have uploaded their s708 or AFSL certificate (via their Investor Hub profile) and an admin from your company has approved it;

  • Pending review: Investors have registered as a sophisticated investor & may have uploaded their s708 certificate, which is awaiting approval / verification from a company admin (for tips on how to convert these investors to confirmed s708s, read the playbook article here 📚);

  • Expired: Investors' s708 certificate has expired (s708 certificates are only valid for 2 years post issue date, AFSL certificates are only valid for 5 years) and that investor needs to re-upload a valid certificate. *Note, investors will receive a reminder email notification to re-upload a valid certificate if there's has expired;

  • Rejected: Investors have uploaded their certificate and an admin from your company has rejected it during the verification process;

  • High net worth behaviour (HNW): This contact is a suggested HNW as they display 'high net worth behaviour' or characteristics that are similar to confirmed sophisticated or professional investors.

  • − A Dash will appear if the investor has not identified as a sophisticated or professional investor

❗️ Please note: there might be some shareholders in your registered investors list who have not yet verified their holdings (haven't uploaded their HIN) and therefore would not have the company shareholder column ticked (they might have skipped this process during the onboarding flow).

For any questions on this page, speak to your Account Manager.

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