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Past Placements πŸ”

Wondering how your investors behaved / traded in your past few placements? Here you can reliably track aftermarket participant behaviour.

Izzy Sanchez avatar
Written by Izzy Sanchez
Updated over a week ago

Past Placements - Raise Analysis

Your 'Past Placements' page allows you to get a detailed understanding of how placement participants have moved / traded post-settlement.

This report provides participant movement on an individual level over your past 2 years of placements, giving you an in depth understanding of who and what affected your post raise performance. This information is not only useful in understanding who are supporters and who flippers, but it also helps inform allocation decisions for any future capital raises.

Head to 'Past placements' under 'Raise Capital' in your navigation bar.

Understanding your share price performance in the aftermarket

It's not always easy to understand why your share price is performing the way it is. Here with your past placements feature, you will be able to take a deep dive into individual participant behaviour after placement completion.

Click on a placement you have conducted over the past 2 years. Please note, data is included from 1 July 2020 onwards due to registry information limitations and to ensure accuracy.


Here, you'll find an overview of post-raise holding behaviour of participants, broken down into 3 categories:

  1. Upgraders - Placement participants who have upgraded since the placement

  2. Downgraders - Placement participants who have sold shares since the placement

  3. Churned Investors - Placement participants who have sold out completely since the placement

You have the option to filter these categories to 1 week, 1 month of 3 months post raise.

Understanding participant movement

Under the participant data section, you will be able to see a list of investors who participated in the placement including allocated amount of shares and then total shares at settlement.

You can then see the breakdown of total share holdings for each investor 1 week, 1 month and 3 months post settlement.

You can also filter based on holding behaviour or export this list for a more detailed analysis.

Data Discrepancies

❗️Note❗️Your past raise report matches placement participant share movement with your registry, however, due to registry name designation, there may be discrepancies in allocated shares identification. If this is the case, you will receive the below message;

To resolve this discrepancy, you can upload an accurate participant allocation sheet which includes Name, Shares Allocated, HIN and Postcode of placement participants. Once uploaded, the system will take a few minutes to match the uploaded data and represent correctly.

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