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Tracking Investor Behaviour With Past Placement Analysis πŸ“Š
Tracking Investor Behaviour With Past Placement Analysis πŸ“Š

Want to reliably track how participants have behaved in the after-market of placements you've conducted?

Izzy Sanchez avatar
Written by Izzy Sanchez
Updated over a week ago

Past Placements

The past placement analysis section allows you to deep dive into individual participant movement post settlement across placements you have conducted over the past 2 years.

The function of this report gives you a better understanding of who has continued to be supportive, and who has sold out immediately afterwards in placements you've conducted. This in turn can help mitigate negative activity immediately after a raise, or alternatively, allow you to better optimise preparation and allocation decisions in the lead up to the next placement.


Head to the past placements page under 'raise capital' in your navigation bar. Here you'll find a list of placements you have conducted since July 1 2020 (this is due to accuracy of information from registries).

Post-Raise Holding Behaviour

This top section provides a high level overview from this placement, including post-raise holding behaviour from all placement participants, 1 week, 1 month or 3 months post raise.

  • Upgraders = have bought additional shares since placement

  • Downgraders = have sold placement shares

  • Churned = investors have sold all placement shares

Participant Breakdown

Below this, you'll find a breakdown of each placement participants' behaviour post settlement, including the number of shares they've bought or sold.

You can filter participants based on total allocation, as well as holding behaviour (upgrader, downgrader, churner) and time period.

You also have the option to export this list of investors.

Invalidating Participants

InvestorHub analyses and matches placement participants' movement from your registry data, however, sometimes there may be discrepancies. If you see a participant listed on your past placement analysis report, you can simple 'invalidate' this participant and it will remove them from the analysis.

You can easily 'revalidate' this participant if you did so through error by clicking the same button highlighted on the image below πŸ‘‡

Data Inaccuracies

InvestorHub matches placement movement in line with your placement settlement date, and sometime there may be discrepancies in data due to delayed settlement of multiple settlement dates.

If you see the below message appear due to shares discrepancy, you can solve for this by uploading an accurate list of placement participants, including HIN, settlement date and shares allocated for each participant.

Download a template placement participant list to ensure the data you upload captures the accuracy of information the product needs to match placement participant movement.

If you have any questions about your placement past raise report, reach out to your account manager.

Please note, all images are for informational purposes only and do not represent real data.

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