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Understanding Your Registry Overview πŸ‘₯
Understanding Your Registry Overview πŸ‘₯

An overview of shareholder movements over time including new shareholders, upgrading shareholders and net sellers.

Izzy Sanchez avatar
Written by Izzy Sanchez
Updated over a week ago

Time Required: 3 minutes ⏱️

Prerequisites: N/A

Outcome: Understand the information displayed to you on your registry overview page

Welcome to the Registry Overview!

Your Register Overview page provides a breakdown of your registry including insights into your shareholder base. This is to help you understand who's moving in and out of your register on a day-to-day basis.

Here you'll find four key sections with a breakdown of each below: πŸ‘‡

Shareholder Overview Graph

Please note the above graph is for example purposes only.

Your shareholder overview graph allows you to track your share price and the number of shareholders over time and includes the option of overlaying trading volume and announcements to provide extra context to movements.

🌱 Don't get too bogged down in the trend over time, every company has ups and downs. Instead, use the rest of your registry overview to spot areas of weakness or opportunities you can action!

Key Insights

Please note the above insights are sample data and for example purposes only.

Your Key Insights highlight how your shareholder base has changed over a period of time, allowing you to not only see who has left and who has joined, but also whether any investors have returned or modified their positions.


  • New: New shareholders to the registry within the date range.

  • Upgraders: Existing shareholders who have added to their position.

  • Downgraders: Existing shareholders who have sold some of their shares.

  • Churned: Existing shareholders who sold all their shares.

  • Returning: Existing shareholders who previously churned and have bought back into the register.

  • Growth Ratio: New and returning shareholders divided by the number of churned shareholders within the date range

Weekly Shareholder Growth Ratio

Please note the above graph is for example purposes only.

The Weekly Shareholder Growth Ratio is calculated by taking the number of new and returning shareholders and dividing them by the number of churned shareholders within the date range. This ratio is intended to help inform you as to whether your shareholder base has been growing week-on-week.

🌱 Use weekly growth ratios to assess the impact of announcements and market events on your shareholder base, as well as to gauge the impact of longer-term strategies to engage more with investors to see if growth has increased over time.

Share Movements

Please note the above information is for example purposes only.

With Share Movements, you can deep dive into your shareholders' movements and identify who the largest 50 buyers and sellers are, as well as see how your top 50 has moved over time.

If a shareholder's movements interest you, then click on their name! When you click on individual shareholders you'll be taken to their profile where you can see:

  • Contact details;

  • Total holding size, time held, days traded;

  • Movement history (buys/sells over time);

  • Holding history against share price, volume and announcements over time; and

  • Movement history graph

Please note the above information is for example purposes only.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I get value from this page?

It's important to understand your share register. The more you know about your shareholders, the more defined and targeted you can make your communication strategy.

If you have an understanding of your shareholder's journeys over time, it's easier to understand their sentiment about your company. Seeing shareholder movements and growth ratio over time is also a great indication of how you're growing your network of time comparatively.

  • How frequently should I be viewing my Registry Overview?

The overview gives you a light-touch summary of changes to your shareholder base over customisable periods of time. We suggest building a habit of checking it frequently as well as using it as an investigative tool when you would like to look a little deeper into how your shareholder base is moving.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Account Manager.

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