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Understanding Your Investor Insights πŸ‘οΈ
Understanding Your Investor Insights πŸ‘οΈ

Gain a deeper understanding of your registry and shareholder analytics

Izzy Sanchez avatar
Written by Izzy Sanchez
Updated over a week ago

Time Required: 2 minutes ⏱️

Outcome: Understand how to derive detailed insights about your shareholders

Investor Insights

Your registry overview provides a high-level overview of your company and shareholders, but you can access detailed shareholder information through the Investor Insights feature.

Your Investor Insights page consists of 6 sections.

  • Holdings - Insights around holdings length, distribution and breakdown by size.

  • Trading Activity - Segmented shareholder demographics by trading activity type.

  • Profitability - A measure of how many shareholders are in profit and by how much.

  • Reachability - A demographic overview of where your shares and shareholders are.

  • High Net Worth (new) - A summary of all confirmed and potential high net worth investors on your registry.

  • Brokers - An overview of the most active brokers on your registry.

🌱 Click on each link above for a detailed summary of each section, or continue reading.


  • See breakdowns of what your shareholder's holdings look like split by size and by the length of holding, as well as important key data points about your 'typical' investor.

  • Get a general idea of how much the average shareholder holds and how long they've been on your register to explain why your register behaves in the way they do.

Trading Activity

  • See specifically which individuals are making movements and export that data for analysis

  • Find which investors you can reach out to for feedback to understand what makes them invest, what makes them sell out and what makes them stay on as long-term holders.


  • Measure how many of your shareholders are in profit or loss, and specifically how large their profit or loss is.

  • Measure the likely sentiment your shareholders are feeling towards the stock right now and tailor your communications to them.

    Please note: This is based off unrealised gains, and therefore excludes shares that have been sold out. This is simply a measure of the value of the shares held right now compared to the prices they were purchased at.


  • Know where most of your shareholders reside and where most of your shares are held.

  • Pinpoint where you may want to spend most of your marketing efforts, and what areas may be over-indexed for marketing spend already.

High Net Worth

  • Understand who from your registry has displayed behaviour consistent with high net worth individuals

  • View previous potential high net worths from your registry

  • Export lists and contact information of potential and confirmed high net worths


  • Outline which brokers are the biggest buyers, sellers, holders and representatives of your shareholder base.

  • Distinguish broker accounts from one another and get an idea of what brokers are the strongest supporters and holders of the stock, and which ones are not.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How often are my insights updated?

Investor Insights is updated every day, as our platform pulls data from your registry to give you the most up-to-date insights possible.

  • What insights can I get from this data?

Investor Insights has a wide variety of potential insights, ranging from the movements of specific shareholders to those of shareholders in different geographical regions, states of profitability or with different brokers.

No shareholder base is the same, and the number of potential insights is high. We recommend spending time understanding what your typical shareholder looks like using this section and then tailoring engagement strategies based on the breakdown.

🌱 If you have any questions, please reach out to your Account Manager.

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