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Identify and Manage Potential Shareholders

Use the nominated shareholder lead status to identify contacts that you believe to be a shareholder and create more optimised engagement.

Nathan Chaniago avatar
Written by Nathan Chaniago
Updated over a year ago

Time Required: 5 minutes

Outcome: Understand how to use the nominated shareholder status

What is a "nominated shareholder"?

A nominated shareholder is a new type of lead status that we've introduced to allow you to identify a contact who you believe is a shareholder but are not yet or unable to verified. Hub members can also self-identify themselves as shareholders when they sign up or through their account settings.

You can use this like you would any other lead status. For example you can use it as a filter for your next email campaign for even more precise engagement. A nominated shareholder badge will also appear next to their names when you are managing questions to help guide your response.

Why should I care about identifying contacts that might be a shareholder?

Separating your investor leads into "nominated shareholders" allows you to craft more targeted content and campaigns that allows you to better engage with your audience and drive market performance.

For those with registry integration

Nominated shareholders is a useful status that you can assign for contacts that you believe are shareholders but for some reason don't have the details to match with your registry. It's also handy to identify hub members that self-identify as a shareholder, but have yet to verify their holdings (e.g. have not provided their HIN).

In both cases you could use this status to create a custom email campaign requesting additional details to verify their holdings and further enrich your registry data.

For those without registry integration

Nominated shareholders now allows you to capture information on hub members that are likely to be your shareholders and can take actions to verify this. For example, through a targeted email campaign.

You can also use this status to label contacts that you know are shareholders based on your registry data. To help seperate "known" shareholders with potential ones, you can utilise our tagging feature to make note. To create a tag, simply go to a contact and click the Add tag button under their name.

πŸ’‘ If you need help with using your registry to identify nominated shareholders, reach out to your Client Success Manager to see how we can help.

How are nominated shareholders identified?

There are 2 main ways a contact can be identified as a nominated shareholder.

1. Hub members can self-identify at sign-up or through their profile

During the sign-up process, visitors will have the opportunity to self-identify as either a shareholder of your company, a qualified investor (i.e. s708) or both.

Otherwise a hub member can nominate themselves as a shareholder at anytime through their account profile.

2. Through an individual's contacts page

On the platform, you can change an individual's lead status through their contact's page. You simply need to navigate to Investor Search on the side navigation bar and find the contact and click on the contact to access their details.

On the contact page you can find their lead status under the Status section on the left hand side. Simply click on it and change the lead status accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will this effect any of my existing workflows?

Good news, this change will not have any impact to any workflows or settings that you have applied.

What if I want to change them back to a investor lead?

Reverting someones status is as simple as setting it. You simply need to repeat the same steps, but choose Investor lead instead.

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