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Managing Annotations, Questions and Likes πŸ’¬

Questions and annotations are the most valuable part of interactive announcements, read this article to understand how to use them!

Izzy Sanchez avatar
Written by Izzy Sanchez
Updated over a week ago

Time Required: 3 minutes, 10 seconds ⏱️

Prerequisites: Live Investor Hub + distributed announcements

Outcome: Effectively managing and setting expectations with investors around managing engagement across your interactive announcements.

Table of Contents

Skip ahead by watching our 'intro' video here πŸ–₯

OR continue reading for step by step instructions πŸ‘‡

Types of interactions

There are several types of interactions investors can provide across your interactive announcements including:

  • Questions;

  • Comments;

  • Survey responses; and

  • Upvote / likes

By allowing investors to interact on your interactive announcements, you're creating a trusted investor community where you can control and mediate the conversation.

Head to our sample Investor Hub to view an interactive announcement with questions, annotations and likes.


To find where to manage questions, follow the below steps: πŸ‘£

Step 1. Head to the 'Interactive Media' page in the sidebar under 'Engagement'.

Each announcement or activity update will have an overview of views, likes, questions and survey responses on the overview page. To view more and manage this interactive media, click on the title.

*Note: The 3 lines below the interactive media title indicates that it has a summary or video included, see below.


Step 2. Managing questions

Here, you will be able to update / edit your announcement summary, add a video, view total survey responses and manage questions (scroll to bottom of page).

All investor questions will, at first, appear in the 'active questions' tab. To help you manage questions and save time, you can sort individual questions by categorising them:

  • Active questions - All new questions that are unanswered or not marked as done will appear here (unviewed)

  • Starred - These are for important questions or ones you'd like to come back to answer later

  • Done - Once you've answered a question it will move to the 'done' tab. You can also choose to mark questions as 'done' if you've read them and choose not to respond

  • All questions - Here you'll find all questions regardless of their category, so you can sort through to ensure you've read them all

You will see that the question in the below example is marked as 'public'. This means that all investors who visit your Investor Hub and view this piece of interactive media will be able to see this investor's questions (whether they have logged onto your Investor Hub or not).

**Note: Questions are public by defaults. You can change this in interactive media settings.

Sorting Questions

You can sort investor questions from oldest to newest or filter them based on the type of question (new, questions from 'shareholders' only, status (private/public), or date asked).

Frequently Asked Questions 🧠

What is the difference between a question and an annotation? πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

A question is asked by an investor in relation to the announcement in general and is displayed at the bottom of the announcement, whereas, an annotation is a question that the investor has made about a specific point in the announcement. Annotations are marked on the PDF to make it easy for investors to ask distinct questions.

Making Your Own Comment πŸ’¬

To make a comment on your announcement you can click β€˜Leave a comment'. This will allow you to create a new comment that will be tagged with your ticker so viewers can see that you are commenting on the company's behalf.

This is a great way to ask your investors a question or give more context to the announcement.

Replying to Questions and Annotations ↩️

Click β€˜reply’, type your response and then click 'post reply' to respond. You can reply privately and keep the Q&A between yourself and the investor or keep the question as public for everyone to see.

Note: Anyone who visits your announcement will be able to view public questions even if they have not signed up.

Any responses from the you (or anyone in your company's organisation on InvestorHub) will be tagged as replying from company name (ASX:ABC). Signalling that you are making the comment on behalf of the company.

Who responds to investor questions?
It's very dependent on who manages your investor queries currently, however, we typically find that questions are usually managed by Directors, the marketing team or IR. When you first distribute an announcement, there usually won't be a high amount of questions so you can trial a workflow that works best for you.
​What's a target turnaround time between question and answer?
We recommend a turnaround less than two days, but understand that this is not always possible. So that you can manage expectations with investors, we suggest adding a line wherever you share the Hub stating "we will endeavour to respond to your questions within X days".

Public and Private Questions πŸ‘€

All questions are public by default. You have the option of making questions private by default or changing the visibility settings on individual questions if you choose to.

To change the default settings, head to 'interactive media', then 'settings'.

  • Public by default: All questions are public by default. When an investor asks a question, anyone who views that announcement or update (logged in or not) will be able to see the question.

  • Private by default: Only you (the Company) and the investor who asked the question will be able to see this question, and any response you provide.


You can also change the visibility status for individual questions on an Interactive Announcement or Interactive Update. See below for how to do thisπŸ‘‡

Notifications πŸ””

All company users (who are added your team organisation) will be notified of new questions and annotations via email. Currently, users are unable to unsubscribe from these notifications so we recommend using filters on your email to remove them from your inbox if they are unwanted.
Investors will be notified when a Company user changes the visibility status of their question, i.e. public -> private or private -> public.

If you have any questions about the questions or likes feature please contact your Account Manager.

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