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The Announcement Pages are Getting a New Look
The Announcement Pages are Getting a New Look

Interactive announcements have been redesigned to optimise PDF viewing and increase engagement.

Izzy Sanchez avatar
Written by Izzy Sanchez
Updated over a week ago

So what's new?

1. A new layout to make it easier to navigate and interact with your announcements

Your announcements page now has a "tiled" layout, with your announcement PDF in full view on the left panel, and your video, summary and Q&As on the right. This way, visitors can now see your content and engagement simultaneously.

2. Redesigned the header

Your announcement header is now split into two parts, the title and your summary and video. The banner has been shrunk so only the announcement title appears. This way your hub visitors can immediately see your announcement. The title banner also hides when you scroll down the page, to give you more room to read.

Your video is now on the right-hand side panel, alongside your summary, which is collapsible. Having the video to the right lets your visitors play and listen to your content while they browse your announcement.

3. A new PDF toolbar

Your PDF viewer now comes with a new toolbar to let visitors quickly access important tools. You can now access the annotation function, like the announcement answer a survey, control the zoom, select a page, view the PDF in fullscreen on a new tab and download the PDF straight from the tool bar.

4. Updated Q&As

We've not only moved the Q&As to the panel on the right, but have also improved their formatting. Private Q&As are now aggregated into the number of private questions and the number of responses, visitors will now no longer be able to see each individual private question.

You can now also filter the Q&A's by ones with answers, ones that come from the company or, if you're signed in, ones that you've asked. Along with filtering, visitors can choose between ordering the questions by most liked (default) or most recent. If multiple questions have the same amount of likes, then it will sort them by most recent.

5. Posting a question as a new user is now easier

New visitors to your hub can now post with greater ease. Not only is the sign-up flow simplified, it also happens in the same page and remembers your question. When you post the question, it will briefly remain highlighted in the Q&As section.

6. Links to latest announcements

Once your visitors have finished reading the current announcement, we've also added links to your other latest ones at the bottom of the page.

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