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Getting Started With the Engagement Features πŸ—£

Here you'll find an overview of each feature within the engagement section of your navigation bar.

Izzy Sanchez avatar
Written by Izzy Sanchez
Updated over a week ago

Time Required: 2 minutes, 34 seconds ⏱️

Prerequisites: N/A

Outcome: Understand formatting, structure and content strategy

Table of Contents

What is the engagement section really about?

This section of InvestorHub will help you engage shareholders and new investors by helping your articulate your company strategy effectively through interactive communication. Allowing you to control the conversation, and provide accurate and relevant information in a digestible format.

There are 4 sections under engagement, skip ahead by clicking on a section below:

To learn more, continue reading πŸ‘‡

Navigating through engagement features

Here you'll find top level metrics of engagement across your investor hub and interactive announcements.

1. Manage pages

Here, you can set up, manage and view your Welcome page to investors. This is an opportunity to introduce yourself and the company to existing shareholders or potential new investors.

You can see an example of a live welcome page here:

For more tips on how to set up and optimise your welcome page, head to the following article here.

2. 'Go to live Investor Hub'

This link will take you to your Investor Hub and allows you to view the content from the 'investor facing side.

3. 'View pending s708s' and 'view all investor hub sign ups'

'View all Investor Hub signups': This link will redirect you to your Investor Search page, which filters for all of your Investor Hub sign ups.
The 'view pending s708' button will display any Investor Hub sign up who has registered as a s708 and uploaded a certificate, i.e. investors who have self identified as a sophisticated investor and have uploaded their accountant certified certificate. To confirm their status, you will need verify their certificate.

Here you'll find a list of all your interactive media including ASX released announcements, as interactive announcements, and any non-ASX announcement related content you'd like to share with investors, as interactive updates.

You can see total views, questions, likes and survey responses across both forms of media as well as individual content pieces.

To learn more about managing individual announcements or interactive media including commenting, adding videos / summaries, head to our 'understanding interactive media' article.

Here you can send emails, letters and postcards directly from the platform to centralise and maximise your engagement with shareholders.

For more tips on how to leverage this section of the platform, head to our campaigns help article here.

For help understanding any of these features, reach out to your Account Manager.

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